Member-only story
Nothing in this life provides as much peace, happiness, as well as, spiritual and emotional tranquillity as being true to oneself. The ability to recognize and accept yourself with all of your better qualities and faults is the key to happiness in this life. Learning to love YOURSELF in spite of yourself, is the greatest love of all. But loving yourself is not accomplished through lip service. It is accomplished through integrity. INTEGRITY_____Is a wilful acceptance, adherence and infalible commitment to the rules of perfect and immutable scientific law rather than our arbitrary and capricious emotional influences. Without a willful commitment and adherence to the rules of perfect and immutable scientific law there is no integrity, and without integrity there is no love. Life is not a series of emotional contradictions, it is instead a series of unified spiritual (scientific) principles. Scientific principles or laws exist but are invisible and cannot be physically seen or touched and are therefore spiritual. Whether in our physical or emotional experiences, scientific principles are at play. The science of mind is as much at play in our emotional and spritual lives as the physical sciences are at play in our physical lives. Until an individual accepts and embraces this fact he is a conglomeration of integrity less emotional, spiritual and religious contradictions. Which will eventually lead him down the path to unhealthy mental conditions such as depression, anxiety, paranoia, etc.
Loving oneself requires an examination of all those emotions that make us, who and what we are as…