Member-only story
When challenged on the issue of, Jesus was not a historical person, by a pagan Bishop. The Patristic (Roman) Christian Church Father, Eusebius, Bishop of Rome is said to have said, yes, we lie but we lie for the glory and honor of God. Lying and deceit appears to be the heart and soul of Patristic (Roman) Christianity, the Patristic (Roman) Christian tradition and the Patristic (Roman) Christian’s adherents lifestyle. GOD, (Perfect and Complete Scientific Knowledge) has no need for lying or those who lie, in his behalf. Because God (Perfect and Complete Scientific Knowledge) validates every one of his acts through his word the perfect application of perfect and immutable scientific law. Expressed through the son (perfect and immutable scientific law) the allegorical son of Perfect and Complete Scientific Knowledge (GOD). The lies told by Patristic (Roman) Christianity through the Patristic (Roman) Christian religious tradition leads the adherents of the religion to lie and to relish lies (man-made religious tradition) over the truth (historical and scientific facts). Which slowly eats away and into every aspect of these adherents social, moral, ethical, spiritual, emotional lives and character.
Such individuals lose the ability to be critical thinkers and have a tendency to rely heavily on intuition, emotions and personal beliefs to determine, what is reality. As if GOD (Perfect and Complete Scientific Knowledge) or reality can be bent or will truly voluntarily bend to do their bidding. You would be, amazed at the numbers of, supposedly intelligent and well educated…