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Our founding fathers came to this country to establish a new world order and new form of government (democratic republican government) after two millennia of Patristic Christian religious, governmental and social corruption. Via the Roman Empire’s bloodbaths to establish Patristic Christianity as the empires official religion. And the decadence via the descendants of the Roman Empire, the European Monarchy’s, Crusades and Inquisitions. Each of which were clandestinely specifically designed in order to force and impose a non-existent human Jesus on the common people in the ancient world. Such scholarly works as, The Christ, by John Remsberg. Whose book proves that a human Jesus, (a) existence as a human being is and was impossible (b) that no contemporary secular writer at the alleged time of Jesus mentions him in their writing. © All of the evidence of Jesus existence as a human being, provided by the church has proven to be fraudulent concocted and (d) that the infancy of Jesus as well as his ministry, crucifixion and resurrection are associated with Luna and solar events and allegorical Luna and Solar religious dogma and observances.
While such scholarly works as The Jesus Puzzle, by Timothy Freke and the Jesus Mystery by Earl Doherty proves (a) That's 16 different ancient world allegorical god, men did the same things as the human Jesus such as, feed the 5,000 raises Lazarus from the grave, turn water to wine, healed the blind and Lepers, etc. For 4,000 years before the appearance of the alleged human…