“The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun,
in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun.”
-Thomas Paine

No greater truth has been known to be expounded by, Thomas Paine, the spiritual leader of our nation’s founding Father’s. The original Gnostic (Jewish) Christian scriptural writers understood that Jesus was not to be interpreted as a human being as the members of a branch of Messianic Judaism. Because Messianic Judaism was a branch of the ancient world Solar religions. In spite of the fact that Messianic Judaism and all ancient world religions are bound to Greek Hellenistic religious policy that requires the Gods in all religious cultures conquered by the Greeks to portray their Gods as human characters in statutes and in scripture, at the point of death by a Greek religious sword for failure to do so.

It is the spin masters, the (Patristic or Roman Christians), a decade later who first redacted and rewrote the Messianic Gnostic (Jewish) Christian Gospels during Nero’s persecutions of the Gnostic (Jewish) or original Christians around 64 A. D. And the unofficial formation of the Patristic (Roman) Christian Church between 70 and 72 A. D. in response to Nero’s persecution. Who’s founding fathers had no information on Jesus except…

